Social-Economic Assessment
Among other things, socioeconomic assessments are used to determine the best strategic plan to achieve efficient policy proposals. The assumptions upon which the estimates are based dictate the fate of a socioeconomic studyAny environmental transition strategy, whether for local governments or businesses, must include the monitoring of socio-economic effects.
This evaluation is especially helpful for highlighting apprehensions, creating a suitable and relevant implementation plan, and ensuring that environmental objectives are maintained throughout the branches of administration.
The goal of socioeconomic assessment studies is to determine the overall interest (the interest of the entire society) of a certain project, typically a public investment or a new rule.
By using carefully selected performance indicators, we help you measure and successfully convey the social-economic impact of your business to your stakeholders.
We offer experienced technical guidance as well as research and analysis of the possible socioeconomic consequences of proposed projects. This involves baseline research, analysis of potential environmental consequences, and the establishment of mitigation and monitoring strategies, among other things mentioned below:
- Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
- Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R)
- Questionnaire based Sample Survyes
- Community Mobilization
- IEC & Capacity Building
- Training & Development
- Skill Development Training
- Livelihood Development
- Conflict Resolution